
When life sends us spinning out of control…

Meet Sophie. She is 38. She likes her job, mostly. She loves her family. She treats others well and has friends who care for her.

Sophie also cries quietly when no one is around. Sometimes it makes her stomach hurt; sometimes she ends up with a headache. It makes her angry. “I shouldn’t feel this way” – one of Sophie’s frequent thoughts.

Sophie knows she is not alone, yet she feels lonely. Sophie worries. A lot. At times, it makes her feel exhausted, and she starts to question if she is doing things right. Then she binges on Netflix. Drinks wine. Then some more. The next day she is determined to go to the gym.

The spiral of spinning down…

Sophie has a lot of negative thoughts during the day. They feel intrusive and won’t stop. By the weekend, those thoughts feel like facts. She questions her abilities. She questions her attractiveness. She eats more.

Sophie doesn’t feel as confident and care free as she used to. She is spending more time alone at home. Sophie isn’t as patient with her daughter. She is comparing herself to her friends. Nagging thoughts are becoming louder and louder.

She wonders if she is fun like she used to be. Sophie feels irritable. And sad. She wants to feel differently. She talks to her mother who tells her that she shouldn’t feel this way. Sophie eats more. She notices that she has gained weight.

When it’s time to look outside ourself…

Sophie wants something to change. She is just not sure what that is, so she decided to search for others who feel like her. Then names of therapists came up in her search. She felt unsure. Confused.

She decided to call.

I help busy men and women who experience anxiety or depression to change their negative thoughts and core beliefs. This changes how one feels and experiences themselves, others, and the world around them. It changes how we interact with our children, our partners, and how we feel about ourselves.

About Me

Welcome. My name is Eva Schmeisser, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a private practice serving all of California.

I have supported many Sophies. I enjoy supporting Sophies.

Clients like Sophie have usually tried many ways to stop these thoughts, to feel differently. Typically, it is only a temporary relief.

When clients come into the office, there seems to be a relief. Sitting on the couch and being honest about thoughts and feelings. Desiring healing. They tend to feel seen and heard by me, understood.

I do not do this because I get paid for it – no – rather for my strong belief in change and healing from within and teaching ways to care differently for oneself. Thoughts are very powerful, and I have noticed, within my experience, that changing these can have a tremendous positive impact on the quality of life and interactions with others.

Sophie felt relieved to have a safe space to explore the underlying stuff that was occurring at the same time. She felt motivated to change her negative core beliefs. Sophie changed how she felt by changing her thoughts.

Change is possible. Let’s start today.

A little about me

Outside of the office, I am an active person and love being around water – whether a lake, the ocean, or creeks – it energizes me.

I feel fortunate to be able to enjoy the ocean close by or the beautiful redwoods for a rejuvenating hike. I enjoy spending quality time with family and friends.

I am grateful for the variety of food the Bay Area has to offer and am always curious about a new type of cuisine – a Foodie!

Being a mother keeps me on my toes and balanced! I love a good podcast, warm cup of coffee, and long walk with the dog on a chilly Sunday afternoon.