Parent Support Sessions

Parenting – not for the weak of heart and mind

Yikes! Did you think it could be this challenging? And simultaneously so amazing? Probably not. Well, there is a reason parenting is called the most rewarding and most challenging job in the world!

One day it feels like things are going well, and the next moment it feels like chaos. One minute you are yelling about the chores and homework, and the next you are eating away at your frustrations. One moment you are in control, the next the white wall is full of Sharpie. Can you relate?

Let’s talk.

I help parents look at what they would like to change in their parenting styles and what might be helpful to the child. I support you to connect with your son/daughter in a healthier way.

I provide an environment for you to express how you feel about parenting. The ups and the downs, the positives and the ‘uglies.’ You will have an opportunity to discuss your own childhood and the way you might have been parented or experiences you might have had – which naturally influence your own parenting style.

You might have questions about your son’s or daughter’s behaviors. Is this normal?

Well, it is normal to have these questions and to wonder if your child is developmentally on track. These sessions are a place to talk about expectations, behaviors, and effective parenting styles.

When all you have are doubts…

I am not a good mom/dad – ever feel this way? You are not alone.

My house feels out of control – you are also not alone with this thought.

Come get parenting support and learn strategies to cope with new behaviors or developments – and I can provide a safe space to do so.

Call me today at (408) 785-2189 if you would like to explore how I can help you on your parenting journey.